
Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-30-2013
A blog on your website can build your website's credibility and your business's relationships with visitors to your website. A carefully written blog can also improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) by incorporating keywords currently being used in online searches and by creating opportunities for backlinks with other websites.
One strategy that can build blog followers is writing about relevant and timely issues. Writing about frequently asked questions in your business or industry is one important source of topics that will draw readers to your blog.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 04-24-2013
Since I feel the need to have my voice heard (it's been a while), I thought I would share a few of my favorite websites and why.

In my line of work I see a lot of bad websites and experience a great loss of sleep over this on a frequent basis, so if you are one of the offenders, just hire us, or find someone to help you stop hurting the eyeballs of innocent web viewers.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-23-2013
Blogs allow you to keep the content of your website fresh and to continually improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) by incorporating key words currently being used in online searches. Blogs also encourage people who are interested in what you are writing or looking for specific information to visit and stay on your website. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-16-2013
A blog is an informational website that features regular updates (posts) and comments. Many blogs not only include the topics written by the blog's owner but also have comments and questions from people who read the blog or from guests who have been invited to write one or more postings. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-09-2013
The Internet is full of blogs these days: humorous blogs, political blogs, personal blogs dog walking blogs, environmental blogs, silly blogs and blogs on almost anything you can think of. And, of course, many business websites feature blogs of various kinds. The presence of so many blogs raises the question of how your business website can benefit from having a blog. Blogs provide you with several key benefits. A good blog can... Read the rest of this blog post

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