
Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-21-2011
When creating your homepage, it's smart to focus on search engine optimization strategies that are immediately visible to users like your domain name, page text, navigation features, and other related elements. However, it can be easy to forget the other options that aren't in plain sight but that also affect and influence your rankings. Among these less obvious optimization strategies are items call "meta-tags". Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-11-2011
Creating and establishing the domain name or URL of your website is a critical piece of groundwork in laying the foundation for the online marketing strategy for your business. Your domain name should present information about the products or services you offer, and be easy for first-time visitors to remember and share with other prospective customers. A domain name should be not only a selling point, but a differentiation point that sets you apart from less distinct competitors to make a lasting impression on users and search engine. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-01-2011
We've discussed several features of a homepage that help forge initial connection points with users. The ways in which your homepage establishes your value and credibility are especially important if you are offering a specific product. Outlining what you do with the presentation of a detailed product list in plain view is a direct approach to catching a user's attention. Such a list addresses their questions about you without making them play a guessing game of searches and clicks. Most first time visitors will usually move onto the next site before going to that much trouble. If your specific product or service is right before them, possibly alongside your industry specialties list, you have easily addressed their key initial questions. Artisan Precast offers the design and construction of precast concrete walls and fences that can be made to look exactly like wood, brick, and other conventionally used barrier materials. Read the rest of this blog post

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