
Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-21-2011
Have You Ever Thought About What Keeps You Interested in A Website You Are Browsing? Put in another way, what content really helps to sell you on a provider or seller�s quality? For me, a big factor in what makes me go from a browser to a buyer is an indication that a company has not only worked with but satisfied and even impressed other clients with circumstances similar to mine. As we�ve discussed in multiple previous blog posts, when a prospective customer visits your homepage, you�ve got a very brief window in which to catch a viewer's attention and demonstrate your value and relevance to their needs. An excellent way to slip under their radar and still achieve this goal is by displaying .... Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-20-2011
Have You Yelped Lately? It�s a shame how many business owners, namely those behind smaller enterprises, discount the impact that a Yelp listing can actually have on their online search engine campaign as well as their visibility to local audiences. All too frequently, Yelp gets dismissed as a forum for people to post complaints about businesses. In reality, it has grown into much more of an online presence. Much like in my earlier post about how social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are the often overlooked �low hanging fruit� of the traffic quest, Yelp presents another free and easy opportunity to bring hits to your website. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: LA on 09-19-2011
Are You and Your Mobile Prepared for the Worst Thing That Could Happen? I mean besides your mother-in-law surprising you for a sleepover, the next worst thing is losing your mobile lifeline - ie. your cell goes on the fritz. Backing up the files and information on one�s personal computer to protect them against power surges, viruses, and other hazards has become a pretty commonplace precaution. However, now that a typical mobile phone is capable of storing at least as much data as a basic computer, it is now just as important to give it the same level of protection. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-16-2011
Famous last words: "My computer never crashes" Now that's funny. How protected are the files on your computer in the event of a fire, power surge, hard drive collapse, or any number of other disasters that can wipe out your irretrievable document, pictures, videos, and other files? Aside from the sentimental cost of losing personal files forever, the professional consequences of your client files and contacts being permanently erased could be catastrophic. I don�t even like to consider the scenario of the customer data for all my magazine subscription, SEO, and web design clients getting simultaneously fried, but I know it can happen so I take the precaution of backing it up online. I happen to use a secure system from Mozy but there are alternatives and you can do it too, easily (and yes, for free) with the Amazon Cloud Drive. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-14-2011
If you have used the internet you have probably had the experience of clicking on a link and being greeted with an error or redirection message categorized by a three-digit code, the most common being 404 (meaning the site no longer exists), 302 (meaning the site has been moved temporarily), or 301 (meaning the site has been permanently redirected). The last of these codes is especially important- and noteworthy for Web Design Wednesday- because moving your site or changing its domain carelessly can cost you both users and search engine ranking. Read the rest of this blog post

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