Published by: David Nordella on 09-20-2012
Robert Caruso is the Founder and CEO of He is an expert in Social Media that I have been following on Twitter for some time now. Readers of Twitter Thursday know that physicians should be regularly using social media to be building better physician-patients relationships and to market their practices. Bob wrote �Your Social Media Marketing is a Train Wreck�: This post was written out of frustration and would be a rant if Bob wasn�t so darn right!
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-14-2012
Its always interesting when a new app breaks the rules. Followerwonk, an app with a name consisting of 4 syllables yet still comes off cute and inviting, is definitely a rule breaker. Go ahead, say it five times fast. We'll wait.
So what is Followerwonk and what does it do for you? Basically it's an SEOmoz app designed to find more followers suited to your Twitter page. Searching for potential twitter followers has always been a pain because a.) They are so many bots out there b.) The search options have always been lackluster and c.) Even when you do get followers, a lot of the time they end up being competitors/more bots. But now, Tweeting business owners can relax, because Followerwonk can do the best searching for you.
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Published by: David Nordella on 09-13-2012
Tweeple often gather for social gathering called Tweetchats. Tweetchats are brainstorming sessions mixed with talk radio. They can be informative, uninhibited, funny and opinionated.
@HealthSocMed holds tweetchats on a weekly basis. They share valuable information and are worth experiencing at least once. I am going to share some highlights from @HealthSocMed tweetchat of September 12, 2012:
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-12-2012
The team at LADezign has been on a mission to find out what it takes to create the best infographic. Infographics can have a huge impact on your company and site, but in order to have it give your site a good boost in rankings, it has to be good. So what does it take to make a great infographic? Here are our thoughts.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-07-2012
David Ackert has a great post on his site talking about what a hidden treasure LinkedIn Events is and we couldn't agree more. Take a look at the post here.
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