Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-11-2011
As we�ve pointed out in numerous previous Traffic Tuesdays, many of the tricks to driving more traffic to your company�s website won�t cost you a cent or take more than a few minutes of your time each week.
A great example of such a technique, that will not only get you accurately indexed by search engines but will also appeal to your visitors, is internal linking.
Internal linking, if you are not familiar with it, refers to when a link within your site is linked to another page of your site.
While internal linking might sound redundant or lacking in productive purpose, it is a practice that I implement not only with my Los Angeles website design clients but even in the sites of my own various company sites and accompanying blogs to make sure that Google is aware of, and can thus index, all of the pages on a website.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-10-2011
Are You Ready for the Virtual World Yet of Videon Conferencing?
According to a recent study by Global Industry Analysts, Inc., the international market for video conferencing is anticipated to reach approximately $11 billion by 2015, and that is not simply because the capability is trendy.
The use of video conferencing saves business owners, along with their employees and clients, time and travel expenses, not to mention promotes a forward-minded �green� company image by reducing the need to use air or road transport to bring call participants together.
Furthermore, this technology also preserves the human touch of face-to-face interaction even when individuals are based in remote locations with varying time zones, or on especially busy schedules.
Given that my Los Angeles website design and SEO company has offices and affiliates across the country and abroad, I certainly know the value of being able to conduct remote business efficiently and economically.
For the many business leaders in similar situations it makes perfect sense that an app like ooVoo Video Chat should make this innovation available in reliable mobile form.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-07-2011
Have You Embraced the Coming Electronic Documents Age Yet?
While many companies have successfully transitioned to being paperless offices, or have just cut down on the amount of pen-and-paper transactions and tasks that your daily operations call for, you probably still have the occasional need to print documents.
I would say I can count on one hand the number of times per week that myself or any employee in the Los Angeles office of my website design company actually prints anything since so much can now be accomplished electronically.
However, since you don't need to be processing the multitude of print jobs you might have had to twenty years ago, you won�t necessarily need a pricey, multifaceted program full of features you�re never going to use.
Instead, you�d probably be better off sticking with a �bare bones� printer system with a reliable print auditing program to ensure that the printouts executed do not exceed the printouts needed.
Several of these programs are available at little to no cost, like this Free Friday�s pick, PaperCut.
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Published by: LA on 10-05-2011
How Credible Is Your Website?
In nearly every prior Web Design Wednesday blog post, we�ve discussed how the topical feature or suggestion would serve the underlying purpose of building your online credibility.
Cultivating the credibility of your website is important because in the current age, the online image of your company will be the most prominent and easily accessible representation of you available to prospective customers. Not only do their initial impressions of your website matter, but also the ways in which they perceive and respond to it long term, because this ultimately makes the difference between your enterprise establishing itself as a leader or getting passed over for competitors.
In fact, you may even find yourself questioning the various tips we share in this Los Angeles website design blog every week and wondering how credible and effective they actually are.
If you�re still finding yourself a little skeptical of my own words, take a look ...
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Published by: LA on 10-04-2011
Adding images to your company�s website doesn�t just offer up attention-catching eye candy for your existing visitors, it can help draw new ones to your website by helping you appear more prominently in SERP�s.
Having been in the business of Los Angeles website design and SEO for over ten years, I make certain that the images incorporated into my clients� sites are not simply uploaded but optimized. A few of the tactics that I employ are quick and simple enough for you to put into practice in your own online marketing efforts next time you add images to your site.
In terms of what Google notices, images are a great showcase for your keywords.
Take care when labeling images.
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