Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-23-2012
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a bad typeface can ruin an entire website design. Typography used to be a fascination of only the few, but now more and more designers and CEOs are jumping on the bandwagon. It has become a vital part of the web design process, and the sooner online companies structure their typeface branding, the better. Here are a few tips and tricks to finding and harmonizing your website's typeface.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-22-2012
Without a doubt, one of the greatest headaches for online retailers is shopping cart abandonment. Generating Traffic to your site can only go so far, and many retailers struggle to understand the cause of lost revenue when their customers fail to pull the trigger on a purchase. While it will always be an unpleasant part of running an online company, shopping cart abandonment can also be a helpful tool for understanding customer trends and creating new strategies for increased revenue. Here are 5 tips that will help you find and eradicate the causes of shopping cart abandonment.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 05-01-2012
Reading up about psychology and developments in neuroscience is the equivalent of a car owner actually opening up their manual and learning how to fold down the backseats or how to program the radio. If you are trying to be an effective leader, the more information you have about how your employees' brains work, the more effective you can be at keeping your business "machine" operating optimally.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 04-27-2012
Despite the fact that there are formal usability principles that guide the planning and development of successful websites, there are still so many sites that miss the mark in terms of basic GUI performance.
Look at it this way: you wouldn't invite someone to your house for dinner and then immediately dive into a game of hide-and-seek with your unsuspecting visitor (unless you are under age ten or crazy), so why would you get a visitor to the site and leave them wondering what the heck you do or what the heck is wrong with you.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 04-16-2012
Are people spending time on your site or do they leave when they get there because they get confused about what you sell or think your lime green flashing logo is a bit unprofessional for a koala bear site? On the other hand, if viewers are spending a decent amount of time on one particular page, pay attention to what words worked to get them there and what is good about the page. For example, may you see that people spent more time looking at pictures of stuffed squirrels this year instead of pandas. Or heck, maybe you see that the release of a new Chipmunks movies has a direct correlation to the traffic to your stuffed chipmunk page. Bottom line is that if you are not watching your analytics closely you are missing out on opportunities.
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