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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-06-2011
Supplying your company blog with fresh and engaging content that drives traffic to your site doesn't always require putting lots of time and research into a lengthy post. In fact, this Traffic Tuesday's tip is not only quick, simple, and free, it can even serve to do a little research your users for you. I'm referring, of course, to blog polls, and specifically to Wordpress's handy plugin that lets you create and post them easily. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-05-2011
When was the last time a meeting or transaction had to be put on hold because a critical shipment containing a single, contract, or other vital contents arrived late or was lost altogether? Aside from the professional sphere, how often have you been inconvenienced because a package for your spouse, child, distant relative, or even you got lost? Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: LA on 12-05-2011
In Les Miserables Victor Hugo wrote, "The beautiful is as useful as the useful. Perhaps more so." As a lover of art and design, this has long been one of my favorite quotations to cite, however in the realm of web site design, I often ponder the extent to which this statement would apply. I am always on the lookout for great web sites and every so often there comes a time when I see a beautiful site design with an expensive flash introduction that then falls apart when I try to use the site. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-02-2011
How many times has an important meeting been postponed or cancelled because of the varying availability and remote locations of its participants or the difficulty of sharing complex presentations and documents? Many of you might instantly point out online conferencing programs like GoToMeeting, which is an excellent solution that, as its users will acknowledge, doesn't come cheap. If you�re looking for a non-invasive, easy-to-setup computer-to-computer communication tool that offers pretty much the same features for free, go to Yugma instead. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-30-2011
While it's important for a site to look polished and visually pleasing, aesthetic features should never be added at the expense of usability or your SEO campaign. There�s no use in making your pages attractive if their functionality is significantly impaired. From image resizing to simple but eye-catching calls to actions, I�ve helped many of my Los Angeles website clients find a balance of professionalism and flair. Many inquire how the placement of their Flash files (vector graphics, animation, gradients, etc.) fits into this picture. Oftentimes, it doesn�t, and I can give you a few reasons why. Read the rest of this blog post
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