Published by: LA on 10-05-2011
How Credible Is Your Website?
In nearly every prior Web Design Wednesday blog post, we�ve discussed how the topical feature or suggestion would serve the underlying purpose of building your online credibility.
Cultivating the credibility of your website is important because in the current age, the online image of your company will be the most prominent and easily accessible representation of you available to prospective customers. Not only do their initial impressions of your website matter, but also the ways in which they perceive and respond to it long term, because this ultimately makes the difference between your enterprise establishing itself as a leader or getting passed over for competitors.
In fact, you may even find yourself questioning the various tips we share in this Los Angeles website design blog every week and wondering how credible and effective they actually are.
If you�re still finding yourself a little skeptical of my own words, take a look ...
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Published by: LA on 10-04-2011
Adding images to your company�s website doesn�t just offer up attention-catching eye candy for your existing visitors, it can help draw new ones to your website by helping you appear more prominently in SERP�s.
Having been in the business of Los Angeles website design and SEO for over ten years, I make certain that the images incorporated into my clients� sites are not simply uploaded but optimized. A few of the tactics that I employ are quick and simple enough for you to put into practice in your own online marketing efforts next time you add images to your site.
In terms of what Google notices, images are a great showcase for your keywords.
Take care when labeling images.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-03-2011
With the numerous lurking threats of viruses, identity theft, and other hacker trickery, keeping your various online accounts and profiles secure has never been more important, and this ties into a necessary evil with which we�re all familiar: passwords.
Does it make your day go any faster to revisit a site to edit your account, make a purchase, or complete any other basic task only to realize you forgot the very login information you created only a short while ago and will need to reset it?
Furthermore, do any of you enjoy having to come up with a nonsensical series of upper and lowercase letters and numbers for each individual account you have?
I didn�t think so, and neither did the creators of this great piece of mobile software ...
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-30-2011
In several previous Free Friday posts, we�ve noted that in addition to no-cost alternatives to programs like Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and Quickbooks, there are certainly free- and surprisingly streamlined- email systems available as well.
Every company needs to utilize email, but even platforms with low costs can add up quickly for businesses with limited funds. Also, why pay even $5 when you can have easily adaptable and multifaceted email solutions like eM Client for nothing?
Credited by as offering a formidable �Outlook clone,� eM Client offers an interface that users accustomed to Outlook appreciate, along with fast, fully integrated features.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-28-2011
We've all heard the adage, "Nobody ever learned anything from a compliment."
Well, this can also apply to determining how to optimize your business website.
One of the most helpful ways to avoid web design mistakes is to recall your own visits to sites that already made them and ended up putting you through a less than convenient browsing experience you don't want your own visitors to endure.
As we have discussed on several other Web Design Wednesdays, making your online presence user-friendly is all about putting yourself in your users' shoes and behind their cursors. I know one basic detail- or lack thereof- that really gets under my skin is the absence of a HOME tab.
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