
Twitter Thursdays

Published by: David Nordella 05-24-2012  |  POSTED IN: Twitter Thursdays

Avoid Twitter at any cost. Why should you be bothered with prospects?

It’s time for business professionals to give Twitter some respect.
Linkedin may be a more interesting Social Media outlet to you. LinkedIn is structured more like your world. You use it like a resume, although this is slowly changing. Twitter is a relatively new, and possibly frightening, frontier for most professionals
Do these qualities matter when you are marketing your services? You might not think so if you looked at the most popular Tweeple, according to Chris Voss: (Be prepared for lots of puns when you delve into Twitter. Nerdy punsters flock to Twitter much as they have to any other Social Media.)
Lady Gaga may make you gag and it is unlikely that you are a Belieber. So what can Twitter do for you? Why should you spend time on what seems like an entirely frivolous enterprise?
Social media is booming but many professionals have missed the growth of Twitter. is one of the many tools that supplement Twitter: You can find the 500 mln countdown on their website.
Trouble with that countdown is that Twitter has already exceeded 500,000,000 users. Twitter has 588,000,000 users. estimates that Twitter will exceed 600,000,000 users within two weeks of the writing of this blog-post.
Not all of these users are your prospective clients, of course. Referring back to Chris Voss’ infographic, it is clear that Twitter’s J-curve has a pronounced up trend. Whether Twitter will continue trending upward or level off to a mature level of users is irrelevant. The law of large numbers suggests that your prospective clients are using Twitter.
“Twitter is the number-one social network of choice among the Fortune 500,” according to Their report was based on a study conducted by the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Is it possible that the Fortune 500 know something that you don’t know yet?
“How do you find new clients on Twitter?” is one of the many questions that will be discussed on Twitter Thursday. We want to know about how you use Twitter for your profession. Start sharing your thoughts in the comment box below.
David Nordella is the Managing Director of Provider Finance Associates, LLC. His passion for Twitter 
mixes well with his passion for improving the profits of Independent Practice Associations. Find out more 
about him at @BeneficentGuild or
Thanks for reading. Jason.
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About Jason Ciment
Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at

This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.

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