Web Design Wednesdays
Put Your Business on the Map ... the Google Map, That Is

How Successful is Your Website at Connecting with its Audience?
When you think about the potential of a website to inspire a customer to reach out and touch you, it's critically necessary to ensure you have compelling "touch points" to enable a customer to feel that at least it will be easy to make that connection.
In our 22 Step web site design and conversion assessment process, we spend a lot of time with clients trying to uncover different ways of helping them design a website that connects with potential and prospective customers.
Essentially, any business with a presence online would agree that you want to foster connection points to your targeted customers any way you can.
One of the easiest ways of fostering that connection and thus driving up website conversions is by showing your geographical relevance to them - ie. get them to feel that you are relevant to them. It's called Zip Code Marketing.
Some examples of how you could accomplish this include displaying:
- Your street address on the top of your pages
- A flag of the USA if you sell nationwide
- Textual references to city or neighborhood specialties
- A link to a street map or actually display a map on the page
First-time visitors to your site may be more inclined to take the next step in engaging your services if they see that you are within a drivable fifteen-minutes.
You can go even further than just displaying your street address and actually provide them with intersections and other points of reference which will demonstrate your knowledge of that particluar area. This is a great tactic for search engines by the way because by mentioning in your web copy the other points of reference it makes your pages even stronger and more contextually relevant to the geographic area you are targeting. and then you might even show up in more Local Search Results Listings.
Remember, the less time and effort you require of your customers, the more they’ll enjoy the experience of trusting you to reach out to you and even do business with you.
An easy and increasingly popular and interactive street map tool is the integration of a Google Map.
Google Maps give any user that visits your site an immediate, tangible picture of your location based on precise landmarks and side streets. Furthermore, embedding one into your site allows users to view and print off directions, and even view short cuts and traffic updates.
Learn even more about the benefits of Google Map integration and other ways to optimize your website conversions at http://www.ladezign.com/website-design-assessment-checklist.htm
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Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on www.Clickz.com and his book on search engine optimization can be found at www.seotimetable.com.
This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.
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