
Twitter Thursdays

Published by: David Nordella 08-23-2012  |  POSTED IN: Twitter Thursdays

It Is All About Meme

“Meme” originally meant “an idea or element of social behavior passed on through generations in a culture, especially by imitation”: Now it means somebody with a camera, a warped sense of humor and way too much free time.
Twitter is filled with memes. Memes are short and don’t take up a lot of time; a perfect vehicle for Twitter humor. You run into the punch-line before you know what hit you.
Memes have themes. Memes are repetitious, using the same line of logic to roll out joke after joke. Typically memes have single character making an observation.
An example is The Shy Shark meme of MTV’s Guy Code: Shy Shark tells you “She’ll think I’m stupid...if I just go over there and bite her leg.” Or how about “Hey I just bit you and this is crazy...But I confused you with a seal, so forgive me. Maybe?” You get the idea. Go elsewhere for Shakespearean sonnets.
You can have a forced meme (as in forced into Internet culture) and a fail meme: http:// Check out the website for funny videos about memes, but you are forewarned that you are veering close to the humor of adolescent males. Here is the answer to your question, “No. They never do really grow up!”
Mashable has produced a list of 10 hilarious memes that are popular on Twitter. It’s too bad for David Letterman as he was slow on the draw on this one:
  • 1. Condescending Wonka (@OhWonka)
  • 2. Awkward Panda (@_AwkwardPenguin)
  • 3. Philosoraptor (@RaptorPHD)
  • 4. Bad Luck Brian (@BadLuck_Brian)
  • 5. Paranoid Parrot (@Paran0idParrot)
  • 6. Success Kid (@SuccessKid_)
  • 7. Conspiracy Keanu (@c0nspiracykeanu)
  • 8. Good Guy Greg (@goodguygreg_)
  • 9. Joseph Ducreaux (@ArchaicRap_)
  • 10. House Guest (@TheHorrifying)
Those that are inclined to start their own memes can do so here:
Do you have a favorite meme?
David Nordella, the Managing Director of Provider Finance Associates, LLC, loves the fact that Twitter mixes well with his passion for improving the profits of Independent Practice Associations. You can know everything about David by visiting:
Thanks for reading. Jason.
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About Jason Ciment
Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at

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