Free Fridays
If You Think You Have Bling, then you Better Get Jing

How often do you find that words can't convey what you are trying to express?
It's not for nothing that old adage that a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
Everytime I pass a Wells Fargo bank and see the horses that are supposed to remind us of the postmen that used to deliver the mail I am reminded of the days of horse and buggy delivering the mail where people would wait months to hear about the weather only to find themselves in another season by the time the post arrived?
In our new Google economy the flow of information is so immediate that those delays don't exist anymore and the time for wonderment just doesn't exist anymore because if you don't know a fact you simply Google it and therefore the gap between thinking and knowing is down to seconds.
There is one place though that the chasm of misunderstanding still exists. And that is in the realm of dialogue between two people when one person has difficulty expressing the nuances of their thoughts.
Sometimes the words we pull out of our binary (right brain / left brain) lexicon simply don't do enough justice to our ideas to convey our thoughts clearly enough to be understood the way we intended.
Today's Free Fridays post offers a solution in the form of a visual tool that's totally free that may enable you to bridge the gaps between thought and expression.
The tool I am describing is called JING and is available at TechSmith, the makers of that other wonderful piece of software called SnagIt (a screen capture tool that is simply delightful for taking screenshots and annotating them).
Look at how they describe the wonderful things you can do with Jing.
In the web site software side of our business this tool is simply amazing because we can take videos for our technology platform clients and show them how to use our CMS or Ecommerce platform that is powering their sites.
Long gone are the days when we used to write out user manuals. Now we simply create videos specific for each client INSIDE their own environment which they can share internally with staff who manage their websites.
The efficiencies we have derived from using Jing are easily translated into better relationships with our clients. And now they are seeing those same benefits as select employees in their companies use Jing for internal communications.
I am not even posting an affiliate link for the paid version of this software.
Fridays are all about free.
So tune in each Friday and see what's free that you may not have known about.
And of course get your Jing on as you waltz into the weekend.
P.S. Don't forget to subscribe below to this blog.

Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at
This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.
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