
Linkedin Tips

Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-20-2014

Top 7 Blog Postings on Growing Your LinkedIn Network

Welcome to the LinkedIn Tips section of the LA Dezign blog.  I wanted to take the time to put together a series of postings on how to use LinkedIn, and how to utilize the growing social networking site to help grow your own network of connections that will lead to personal success, regardless of your industry and experience.  In this first entry, I tracked down seven top bloggers and found some tremendously helpful tips.  If you want all the secrets for boosting your online presence via LinkedIn, these seven experts are the best starting point.

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Published by: LA on 06-27-2011
Welcome to my first post to the new "Motivation Mondays" blog series. It's probably the first time in about 5 years that I walked into my office, pulled up my Outlook Inbox and had nothing I needed to do. Seriously if I needed to find motivation to do something, nothing is more motivating than having nothing to do. I know this sounds a little strange because we are all used to being motivated by the mundane pressures of deadlines, bosses, clients, closing deals, having money in the bank to make payroll and the whole host of other things we keep pushing off. But in a surprising way, having nothing on my hit list today seems like more of a coincidence. Considering I was planning to start off my Monday with a Motivational post it seems like things are working out exactly as planned. So in the spirit of motivating others I will start off my post with a pitch for being a better Rainmaker. Read the rest of this blog post

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