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Show Some SERP Savvy with Your Website Images

So my images are tagged, categorized, and optimized, now what? While it's helpful to your search engine optimization campaign to label images with your keywords, there are some additional ways to connect them to your website and drive even more traffic back to you. You see, whenever your images come up in a Google Image search for related terms and gets clicked on (hence the importance of keywords in descriptions) it takes the user to your site. Also, images can not only give your SEO a nice boost, they catch user attention by putting a vibrant, tangible, face on your brand. Here's some additional tips to make your images SERP-friendly.
Rename for Relevance - Unless you're selling a series of random numbers, take the time to rename your image files before uploading. Otherwise, Google can't distinguish what the file is about or related to, and won't assign it any value in results pages. Always look at the exact domain name that accompanies the image so that it not only leads back to you, but informs both search engines and users as to what the file is about, especially if details are hard to see in the thumbnail.
Grab Google's Attention with a Gallery Page - Focusing an entire page of your website on your images will help your users navigate more easily by making it clear where to view visual representations of what you do, it will give you another opportunity to place keywords in a concentrated location and get crawled by Google. Galleries are especially important if you are selling a product based on visual appeal. Here's a beautiful example of one of my Los Angeles website design clients' image galleries that showcases their varieties of precast concrete fences.Protect Your Images Against Theft - When your images start becoming more prominent on the SERP's it is more than likely people may try to steal them and use them as their own. In order to deter people from poaching your original photos and illustrations, personalize them with watermarks, which can include your URL, logo, or even company contact information. This can actually make theft work in your favor as however the poacher displays them, they're giving you some visibility.
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Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at
This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.
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