Traffic Tuesdays
Push Traffic by Being Savvy with Your Snippets

Which guidelines do you use when composing your description meta tags? Meta tags are significant because they affect what users will instantly see when they view your listing on SERP's; this bit of text is known as a "snippet," and optimizing it through the information you include can not only boost your rankings but catch the attention of your prospective customers. Snippets can be especially helpful for improving rankings for specific keywords, which can work in your favor if your immediate competitors are highly noteworthy and established brands, and such small steps pave the way for big click-through and conversion rates.
The name of the game (at least in my Los Angeles website design company) is gradual and organic rather than instantaneous and overnight, but the former is what yields the lasting results for your rankings. Quality SEO comes from helping Google understand what your company is really about, not trying to put one over on the algorithm (or your users).Composing effective meta tags doesn't require much time or creative output. In fact, the more succinct and straightforward your descriptions are the better, because snippets cut off around 140 characters. Think of it not as a limitation but incentive to get your point across and control what will be most users' first impression of your company or blog. Utilize those keywords, and for individual pages and posts, be as specific and relevant as possible; if you offer environmental safety consulting and you post a blog discussing the household dangers posed by mold, make your snippet about mold rather than your site as a whole. Here is an informative post on snippets from Solo SEO with great examples of good, bad, and totally absent meta descriptions.
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Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at
This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.
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