Published by: Judy Cobb on 01-15-2013
The New Year is a good time to assure that your website continues to provide you with the visibility and results that you need for your business. Trends move quickly on the Internet. Current events, new technologies, new websites and other factors can quickly change web search patterns; this can reduce the number of times web searches return the link to your site.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 01-08-2013
A successful website depends on a clear presentation of your product or service, an organization that makes it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for and associated information that establishes your business's credibility. The beginning of a new year is a good time to review your expectations for your website and decide whether it is achieving the results you expect, both in terms of the number of "hits" it receives and the business it generates.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 12-18-2012
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) increases the ranking of a website in a web search by incorporating the most commonly used search terms and images into the text and design of the website. Building a website that takes advantage of SEO can assure that you have a reliable stream of visitors to your site. But what happens over time, as news and interests evolve?
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 12-11-2012
Once you decide to have a blog on your business website, where do you begin? The first blog is likely to be easy: A short introduction to the blog and a description of what you intend to accomplish. But then what? It is a good idea to have a clear statement of the goal of the blog and a strategy for achieving it.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 12-04-2012
A blog is a type of website or web page that promotes discussion of a specific topic or information sharing. Many blogs found on the Internet are intended as personal journals or opportunities to promote a particular worldview or opinion.
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