Newsletter July 16 2011
TV's are Dying a Slow Death in Favor of Mobile Devices

I really love my 46" TV and new 5.1 channel sound system.
But apparently not everyone else is glued to their flat screen like my wife and I are.
This morning I'm at a Coffee Bean troika with Robert Gonsalves (from and we are discussing his consulting practice in digital media (of which he is quite the guru) to see how it could dovetail with our SEO traffic services.
And as conversations usually do, we end up on a tangent which leads him to suggest in an ofthand way that the way I watch TV is dying and my kids won't inherit it.
When I was in college too many years ago I remember the Midnight Star Trek episodes my friends and I would watch and of course make fun of (without the help of drugs of course). I remember though that we had to wait to midnight to watch them unless someone was lucky enough to have a VCR to time shift the episode.
Robert recollected how at his college you had to get cable to receive the MTV signal and that was his primary driver to pay a cable bill and get more than the fuzzy channel on the ABC affiliate.
Now fast forward to today and the whole notion of waiting to watch a TV show just barely exists anymore unless it's a live event like the Superbowl. Even America Idol is time shifted if you live on the West Coast because we see things 3 hours behind our East coast cousins.
So Robert went a little further in describing my TV's demise and explained that when millenials get to college they arrive with a Mobile and laptop or android/ipad device and they hook into broadcast television with Hulu or Google TV or subscribe directly through tv channels or some aggregators that are popping up. In fact he said they spend most of the visual consumption time on YouTube, not even searching but just clicking forward in mad dash to find the cheese (in the form of the next funniest video I've ever seen routine).
And subsequently these college just don't ever get tethered to the cable or dish device. Hence the drive by the cable and dish providers to provide a fully untethered experience by enabling you to watch your media on any device - like watching Netflix at home and on your mobile or PC.
And all this has happened in 3 years essentially.
So in light of the depressing picture this view paints of watching media on big flat screen TV's in the instant Google economy, I've decided to devote Mondays to Mobile devices and share some tips and pointers on how best to accomodate your needs and interests to the more mobile and miniaturized lifestyle that is sprouting up under our noses.
For my very first Mobile Monday I've decided to share an app for android that is simply fun for the kids while you are in the car.
It's called Shazam and if you don't already have it then shame on you.
Considering how much of a gap exists between kids and parents in general, how much more so does one exist with musical tastes. Shazam though is the app that tends to bridge the divide. In about 15 seconds I can launch the app and discover "who sings that song". And what makes it a lot of fun with the kids is that I am constantly showing them how most of the American Idol songs are from when I was a kid. And many of the songs they listen to now on Glee are simply rewrites of original songs from decades ago.
So Shazaming them into recognizing their popular songs as being far less original than they thought has given them a newfound respect for our music too.
I think this power of bringing families closer to together is a great way to launch Mobile Mondays.
Stay tuned as we attempt to bring you more undiscovered apps like EarnIt, Gesture Search and AppBrain in coming weeks.
P.S. I am up to level 5 in Angry Birds. Damn is that game addicting.
P.S. Don't forget to subscribe below to this blog.

Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at
This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.
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