Here's an interview about Twitter from my friend and colleague, David Nordella:
@DeannaJour23 shared her favorite innovators in health tech, health policy and healthcare entrepreneurs in “10 interesting health entrepreneurs talking about healthcare innovation on Twitter”. The story is being spread rapidly through-out Twitter (especially by the recipients!) after its release on @medcitynews. We have recycled the list (@BeneficentGuild and @LADezign work to be green) to suit our tastes.
We have been Following several of the @DeannaJour23 listees but feel that we will change the recipe slightly to suit out tastes. We have a pronounced bias towards innovative healthcare systems instead of bio-research. That bias is reflected in our choices. No preference is indicated by the order of ranking.
Many will argue that Twitter is an innovative healthcare solution. Certainly, it is an excellent method for communicating healthcare information. @LarryZook pinned this infographic on his Pinterest board, “Twitter Usage in Healthcare #healthcare #twitter” @Larry Zook via Tennessee Medical Association. Originally pinned by Social.Lab Consulting.
Twitter Thursday mentioned the LinkedIn group, Social Media Marketing and “Post your Twitter handle here!” A discussion thread with over 3,160 comments over a four month period is monumental for LinkedIn. Apparently not all Tweeple feel like abandoning LinkedIn.” Since that time, there have been 356 more comments. That is an 11.3% increase over the last one week!
Our friend, @LavaKafle is deeply engaged in Twitter and Pinterest. Last week, we Tweeted him for his thoughts on the two Social Media. His response: @BeneficentGuild #twitter is essential for texting while #pinterest is suitable for instant #inforgraphics and #visualaids. Honored.” Thank you for the benefits of your insights, Lava. We are honored to be connected with you.
David Nordella, the Managing Director of Provider Finance Associates, LLC, has found Twitter mixes with his passion for improving the profits of Independent Practice Associations. Learn more about David:
The “Independent Practice Associations” group on LinkedIn
Thanks for reading. Jason.
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