Twitter Thursdays
Twitter Bulk Follow

- For example, Tweeple performing research on Twitter may not care if anybody Follows them at all.
- They may not care if their sources only Follow a handful of sources as long as the sources that they curate are credible and loaded with valuable data.
- Others may want to cultivate a relationship and will patiently reTweet and Reply until a connection has been established.
- 1. - The first Follow/Unfollow tool that we came across. Just was aptly named at the time but it appears that changes have happened there. We are interested in the Copy Followers feature, which enables users to Follow the Followers of any Twitter account. Twitter Thursday, being known as a malingerer rather than a leader, is intrigued by Copy Followers.
- 2. – Twitcleaner “analyses the profiles & tweets of every single person that you follow, looking for certain patterns of behaviour (people not talking, being overly repetitive, common spam tactics, posting the same links repeatedly, etc).” This can help you avoid the dreaded Twitter bots as well as letting “you know who” know that you will not tolerate their indifference! Twitcleaner also lets you know how you look to them. What is Twitcleaner’s opinion of Twitter Thursday? “Tips for improvement - You know? There's nothing obvious we can suggest. You're frickin' awesome! Twitter loves you, we love you & I'll bet your followers love you too!” Smart program! You did forget to say how handsome we are but we will forgive you just this once...
- 3. – Tweepi suggests that you flush your Unfollowers. You can also use the “Force User to Unfollow You” feature. We admire Tweepi as a kindred spirit but would never stoop to such tactics. We don’t have to as our personality does the same thing for us!
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Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at
This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.
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