
Twitter Thursdays

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Published by: David Nordella on 10-11-2012
Twitter is a phenomenal social media platform. It is also host to a number of automated spammers that use �bots� (as in robots) to set up sites to sell you and more importantly, you followers something�again and again and again. This is why I don�t recommend that you follow everyone that follows you. Heresy to some but common sense to those that have worked hard to deliver a quality experience to your followers. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 10-04-2012
Systems that stop growing will eventually decline. Passing equilibrium and eventual obsolescence is the major reason that Twitter communities should always look to build their follower base. How can you build your base of Twitter followers? Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 09-27-2012
I first met Cindy Rakowitz at a ProVisors social networking meeting. (ProVisors is a group in Southern California composed of well over 2,000 professionals and trusted advisors that meet for the benefit of their clients: She was, and is, the CEO of Blackman Rakowitz Public Relations. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 09-20-2012
Robert Caruso is the Founder and CEO of He is an expert in Social Media that I have been following on Twitter for some time now. Readers of Twitter Thursday know that physicians should be regularly using social media to be building better physician-patients relationships and to market their practices. Bob wrote �Your Social Media Marketing is a Train Wreck�: This post was written out of frustration and would be a rant if Bob wasn�t so darn right! Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 09-13-2012
Tweeple often gather for social gathering called Tweetchats. Tweetchats are brainstorming sessions mixed with talk radio. They can be informative, uninhibited, funny and opinionated. @HealthSocMed holds tweetchats on a weekly basis. They share valuable information and are worth experiencing at least once. I am going to share some highlights from @HealthSocMed tweetchat of September 12, 2012: Read the rest of this blog post
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