Many physicians know that using Social Media improves the success of their practices. Technology, in general, and Social Media, in particular, is making quantum leaps forward. Technological changes that can level the playing ground between Independent Practice Associations (small to medium groups of doctors) and larger healthcare systems are available. Twitter is a technology used by healthcare systems that smaller practices can with the same results.
Physicians face a reasonable fear in Social Media. They are afraid that Social Media will divert even more of their time from practicing medicine. We acknowledge that improperly managed technology use can be a Damoclean sword; a threat to your work flow until its productivity gains can be registered:
Twitter has the support of a powerful “App” community that can help you manage your time on Twitter. The App community is a powerful reason to micro-blog on Twitter. Apps simplify your using Twitter. So using Apps can make Twitter an effective and efficient way of building relationships with your current and prospective clients.
Let’s define the term App in the context of using Twitter. defines App as “an application, typically a small, specialized program downloaded onto mobile devices:
the best GPS apps for your iPhone” - While this is the common definition for App, it doesn’t uncover the scope of what an App can do for you on Twitter. You need to drill down to their definition of “Application” to understand how using Apps with Twitter can make your life easier.
Two of the five definitions found there really explain what Apps can do for your Twitter experience. An app is “the act of putting to a special use or purpose: the application of common sense to a problem.” An app is also “the special use or purpose to which something is put: technology having numerous applications never thought of by its inventors.”
So an App is a small, specialized program that is not limited to Smart-phones. Apps apply common sense (such as respecting the limits of your time) to using Twitter. Using the right App with Twitter can enable you to use Twitter in ways that even Twitter hadn’t contemplated.
Apps enable you to manage your time by scheduling Tweets for later distribution. You can use Apps to stay abreast of what is happening with the people that you Follow. Apps can inform you of who is not following you. There are Apps that provide metrics that measure your influence on Twitter. All of these Apps can help you can better understand how to improve your relationships with your Followers. Each app can be used for as few as several minutes a day.
Are you using Apps for Twitter? Which apps are you using? What features would you like to use with your Twitter account? Share your thoughts by making a comment below.
David Nordella, the Managing Director of Provider Finance Associates, LLC, finds that Twitter mixes well with his passion for improving the profits of Independent Practice Associations. Learn more about David:
Thanks for reading. Jason.
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