Web Design Wednesdays
Optimize Your Online Presence for Mobile Web Users

Have you taken a peek at how your website loads, looks, and functions when viewed on a mobile phone? Many business owners doing so for the first time experience a rather rude awakening, and immediately appreciate the growing necessity of having a mobile-optimized version of a company website, which marketers indicate 64% of companies now do.
Try using your phone to browse any site available only in standard format and you'll see what I mean; after an excruciatingly slow loading time, you'll be greeted with resolution, text, and menus so small you need a microscope and toothpick to navigate them. This problem is akin to the "click misery" I’ve helped many of my Los Angeles website design clients avoid.
Having a mobile website in addition to your standard one is another way of making your information, products and services, and motivating calls to action available to your prospective customers accessible quickly and in a minimal number of clicks. Not only will generating a mobile-optimized version of your website offer a smoother browsing experience, it will let you add neat features like "Click to Call" commands and other intriguing calls to action.
Currently, one fifth of Americans use the mobile web on a daily basis. Since our smartphones allow us to take the Internet with us wherever we go, many people go days without even turning on their desktops. Additionally, our comfort level with mobile web interaction is growing. In 2009, approximately $1.6 billion worth of commerce was conducted from mobile devices, and that number is expected to reach $6.5 billion in 2012. If you're convinced users will still favor your standard website because they feel iffy about transmitting personal data and credit information over their phones, then think again. Remember that just a decade ago lots of us had reservations about shopping on Amazon and Ebay through our desktops.
Getting a mobile version of your company website is as easy as a visit to Google Sites. You can select templates, colors, and other features easily and at no charge. Mobile sites get indexed separately, so just make certain to create a mobile sitemap and submit it to Google through webmaster.
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Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on www.Clickz.com and his book on search engine optimization can be found at www.seotimetable.com.
This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.
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