
Web Design Wednesdays

Published by: Jason Ciment 01-11-2011  |  POSTED IN: Web Design Wednesdays

Logo With Targeted Branding Slogan Appeals to Magazine Subscribers (#2) -



Coming up with a memorable logo and catchy slogan when doing the website design for MagMall, my business magazine subscriptions service, was a critical step to take in the visual and verbal positioning of my brand.

The explosion of online businesses has made it very difficult for any entrepreneur to make his or her messaging really pop to his or her targeted audience. The right logo with the right slogan can enable instantaneous communication and brand recognition. The most powerful examples of this kind of success are Avis (we try harder) or Amazon (earth's bookstore) but for a younger company like mine I knew I had to start building my brand with some basic and fundamental tactics.

A logo and slogan that are based in a product or service gives your company the opportunity to quickly convey what value propositions you can offer that your competitors may not. To promote myself as selling magazine subscriptions would not be enough; I had to state upfront what I do, who I do it for, and why I'm the best for what I do.

My company's distinguishing trait was that subscribing to a magazine, especially multiple ones, through my services gives the subscriber a huge discount that cannot be obtained when subscribing directly through the publishers. If you're a business, my bulk subscription discount might be even more compelling (as they could amount to more than 88% off your yearly subscription fees). The messaging of my logo and slogan would have to convey that the team behind MagMall is the most reliable source for individuals and businesses to get the most discounts on their subscriptions and from a reliable service provider.

Eventually, I would position my logo next to my slogan towards the top of the homepage so a visitor's eyes are drawn to it immediately upon reaching the site. The slogan itself addresses the three key elements I mentioned earlier that I want both potential and existing customers to remember about Magmall:

  • A bolded "Discount Magazine Subscriptions" tells people what I do;

  • above it, "For companies, libraries, and individuals" tells them who I do it for;"

  • and next to that "...since 1984" tells them I have had staying power because I'm good.

When an entrepreneur can succinctly describe those main points, they are on their way to personalizing his or her brand.
Thanks for reading. Jason.
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About Jason Ciment
Formerly an attorney and CPA, Jason has been working online since 1997. His columns on affiliate marketing can still be found on and his book on search engine optimization can be found at

This blog is published 4x per week and covers website design and SEO tips as well as a wide range of tips and advice for working and living online more efficiently and enjoyably.

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