Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-04-2012
Do you ever venture somewhere and get the instant feeling you've been there before? This can happen online when we click on a website or inner page we've previously visited because nothing made it apparent we'd been there before, thus causing us frustration and eating up valuable time. And as you'll notice if you look at any of my Los Angeles website design clients' retuned sites, my team produces navigation that saves users' browsing time instead of wasting it.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-14-2011
Just as it can be helpful to learn from the errors of other webmasters and designers like those whose sites were featured last Web Design Wednesday, it can be just as informative and inspiring to look through sites that are doing things right. A brand's online presence doesn�t necessarily have to offer a multitude of top-of-the-line functions and features; it might just offer a single solution that works especially well. Such is the case with many of the websites that made the cut for Digital Inspiration's 101 Most Useful Websites
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-07-2011
Which website problems stand out the most to you? The answer to this question can differ from user to user depending on their patience, online browsing prowess, and technical knowledge of how a highly functional and optimized site should load, look, and run. Yet one thing remains certain: in terms of user feedback and observations, no webmaster ever learned anything from a compliment, which is why this Web Design Wednesday encourages business owners and designers alike to spend some time looking through a helpful site called Problem Websites.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-30-2011
While it's important for a site to look polished and visually pleasing, aesthetic features should never be added at the expense of usability or your SEO campaign. There�s no use in making your pages attractive if their functionality is significantly impaired. From image resizing to simple but eye-catching calls to actions, I�ve helped many of my Los Angeles website clients find a balance of professionalism and flair. Many inquire how the placement of their Flash files (vector graphics, animation, gradients, etc.) fits into this picture. Oftentimes, it doesn�t, and I can give you a few reasons why.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-16-2011
Have you taken a peek at how your website loads, looks, and functions when viewed on a mobile phone? Many business owners doing so for the first time experience a rather rude awakening, and immediately appreciate the growing necessity of having a mobile-optimized version of a company website, which marketers indicate 64% of companies now do.
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