Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-09-2011
How do you tackle having to correct, sharpen, or otherwise edit massive numbers of images? For even the most expert Photoshop user, such a process can consume valuable time and resources. If you or your designers are spending hours making the same repetitious adjustments to hundreds of image files, this Web Design Wednesday has a helpful tip for making the process much faster and easier: automating your Photoshop actions.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-02-2011
In yesterday's Traffic Tuesday post, we pointed out that creating Youtube videos is an excellent way to enhance your SEO success and to connect with your prospective clients. While this point is a given for many business owners, the finer points of making their videos valuable to users and effective in increasing conversion rates are not always so obvious, to the point that entire consultancies like Paul Bryan's Usography have been created. Bryan, who has been designing websites since 1995, offers some tips on how to optimize user experience or "UX."
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-26-2011
Is an overload of content on your homepage obscuring the key messaging of your business website?
While there exist plenty of functional and eye-catching features, your own site doesn�t necessarily need to employ them all at once.
In fact, the purpose of this Web Design Wednesday is to explain why you should take care to do the opposite if you want a homepage that really does its job.
Ask yourself this question: "How many people land on your website for the first time and start running for the hills without leaving you their forwarding address?"
Tim Ash, CEO of Sitetuners, a landing page optimization and conversion consulting company, elaborates on a commonplace problem on many company websites in answering this fundamental question.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-19-2011
On many a Web Design Wednesday we have stressed the importance of having a website that not only looks appealing but offers optimal usability. Like I emphasize to all of my Los Angeles web design clients, representing your brand with an inviting and user friendly website is not only valuable for catching the attention of prospective clients, but also for interacting with and retaining existing ones. You will likely find users turning to your site not only to check out your blog and updated products or services, but also to seek customer assistance.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-12-2011
Tonight at sunset begins the annual Jewish Festival of the Harvest, Sukkot, when we traditionally come together to construct a thatched booth, or Sukkah, in our backyards and then share a meal under its roof. The purpose of this holiday is not only to commemorate the Israelites' desert exodus from Egypt, but to remove ourselves from our typical surroundings and be moved to reconsider the true sources of our joys. At one time or another, we each get a little fixated on the black-and-white, surface level definitions of goodness and quality, and end up neglecting the valuable details within both our personal and professional lives.
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