In today's online business environment, your customers often rely on your website rather than your local community and reputation when they decide to buy your product or service. Your website must, therefore, establish your credibility as a reliable business that offers quality products or services.
The first step in establishing your credibility is to have an engaging and effective website that clearly identifies your products and services. The design and writing features of the home page get your customer's attention and a closer look before they move on. But what happens then?
Your website must show them that you offer what they are looking for and that you have the experience and skills to deliver it to them. You can establish your "credentials" in several ways:
- 1.Establish your qualifications.
- 2.Provide expertise.
- 3.Document your track record and successes.
- 4.Associate yourself with other credible organizations and businesses.
Establish your qualifications. Your knowledge, education, skills and years of experience document your qualifications. The organizations you have worked for also support your credibility. Degrees from major universities, participation in prestigious programs or work with notable organizations also contribute to this picture of a person who has the experience to provide excellent products or services. Photographs and other visual images can build this image.
Provide expertise. Providing general information that can make your customer a more informed consumer also enhances your professional image. You are clearly someone who knows enough about your business and is confident enough to write about it and share it.
The Woven Accents website uses both of these strategies on its home page, shown here. Woven Accents specializes in vintage and antique rugs as well as a variety of contemporary rugs. "The Versatility of Vintage Rugs" pages of the website contain a column where website visitors can learn more about the specialized area of antique rug collecting. By offering website visitors opportunities to learn more about this topic, the column establishes the expertise of the business and its principals.
The second major destination on the home page begins a designer profile of one of the business principals. By following this link, a person can learn more about the principals who support the business.
Document your track record and successes. Testimonials from satisfied customers and endorsements demonstrate that your business delivers what it promises. Case studies and stories of successes provide a way for you to describe how you have succeeded in the past. These strategies also allow potential customers to see how you have produced results for individuals or businesses whose situations may be similar to theirs.
The Woven Accents website offers testimonials as a third major destination from its home page.
Associate yourself with other credible organizations and businesses. You have a wide range of options in allying your business with credible organizations. The organizations that will work for your website are reliant on your business and industry. For example, a retail business or service would gain credibility by having a good rating from the Better Business Bureau or similar industry-specific organization.
You can also gain visibility and credibility by association through publications in newspapers or magazines for your industry; presentations made at major local, regional or national conferences; or appearance in major national or regional publications, websites or media programs. Being a member of professional or industry groups can contribute to the professional image your website is building. Even better is to be an officer or someone who has been recognized for accomplishment in your field.
The Wittenberg Law home page uses several of these strategies. The "Accolades" menu selection leads to endorsements, and the "Cases" selection contains information about representative cases, recent cases and relevant investigations. The home page "Recent Investment News" highlights publications that have featured information about the law firm, its cases and expertise.
Most websites, as these two demonstrate, use a combination of strategies to establish their credibility. As you think about a new or improved website, think about the strategies that can show your business in its best light. Every business and organization has its own unique benefits and strengths. You can use these on your website to create a powerful picture of your organization and its products and services.
We want to assure that every blog post in this series provides you with tangible suggestions and ideas for building or improving
your website. Please share your ideas, comments, questions and suggestions with us by emailing
[email protected] and in the comments down below.
Judy Cobb is an independent writer and business writing coach whose clients have included Parsons Engineering, Mattel Toys, The Los Angeles Times and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She has specialized in developing training materials for instructor-led courses as well as interactive online courses and websites. She holds advanced degrees from Columbia University and Stanford as well as an MBA from UCLA's Anderson Graduate School of Management.
Thanks for reading. Jason.
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